What is a Spend Analytics Dashboard?

Spend Analytics Dashboard Power BI AI.png

Spend Analytics Dashboard

Power BI

What’s a Spend Analytics Dashboard


Spend Analytics Dashboard is visualization tool, which connect, transform, load, publish and share spend data. A spend analysis dashboard, is a collection of predefined spend charts or graphs within a business intelligence application, then published and shared.

The Spend Analytics Dashboard is split into the following steps:

  • Connect to Spend Data

  • Transform Spend Data

  • Load Spend Data

  • Publish Data

  • Share Data

A Spend Analytics Dashboard is a data visualization tool that displays the current status of the company spend metrics and (KPIs). Spend Dashboards connect and analyse procurement spend data, with built-in text analysis, identify trends, outliers and valuable insights, which help management make informed business decisions by transforming raw spend data into valuable insights.

To achieve this bespoke Spend Analytics Software is used.

Spend Analytics Dashboards

The following video, shows a Spend Analytics Dashboard in Power BI.

Spend Analytics Dashboard - Video YouTube

Spend Analytics Dashboard using Power BI.


Procurement Spend Analysis Process

Sometimes referred to as a Spend Cube or Procurement Spend Analysis, allows data, to be connected.

A Procurement Spend Analysis process is used to address sourcing decisions and contains the following List :

ABC or Pareto Analysis

Number of Suppliers

Number of Transactions

Spend Analytics

Average transaction costs


Invoice date

unit cost

Total Spend Value

Power BI allows the user to create a template, using a predefined spend analysis format.

Spend Opportunity Assessment

Spend analysis Dashboard takes Spend data and creates a method for users to consume it, easily and quickly. Data Visualisation is essential creating insightful, data-driven cost optimization.

The output of which provides procurement with Spend Opportunity Assessment.


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What is a Spend Analytics Dashboards

What is a Spend Analytics Dashboards